Life and our being-ness is not as we have come to understand, and we are now being coaxed to embrace and express a new perspective of reality not from the conscious intellectual but from the level of spiritual awareness. There is an urgent necessity to re-examine and re-evaluate our world and reality and in this context the importance of exploration of consciousness cannot be overstated.
Every now and then somebody comes along with a loud and clear message that we all need to hear. The messenger of the moment is Ronan Rooney and he is telling us that there is more to life, that we are here to enjoy ourselves and that each and every one of us can become more. “The Secret of Life”, tells the story of Ronan Rooney’s personal journey to enlightenment and encourages the reader to seek and follow their own path and to "live life fully and become all you are capable of becoming."
The True Nature of Our Reality speaks of the major paradigm shift occurring in humanity’s evolution, the reason for the current collapse of our global systems, why mental illness is globally escalating, understanding transpersonal awakening and the emergence of conscious awareness. In The True Nature of Our Reality Ronan Rooney gives hope and explains the meaning of life and our purpose in it.