Believe me it’s never too late to be the person you were meant to be and live the life you were meant to live. 

I resisted looking at my life for fear I would want an over hall and others around me would suffer. I was scared to open what might be a can of worms. Concerned I might get “too enlightened” and freak everyone out. But once I dropped the fear and embraced my true purpose everyone around me benefitted. I became more than the role I was playing for them and became a much more pleasant person to be around with. 

We can feel very alone because we have forgotten we are part of something bigger. 

All through my teens I felt weird, lonely, isolated and different and to combat the fear of facing it all I rebelled. When I realised this all the feelings of separation, loneliness and isolation fell away. I stopped filling the void with bad habits, my worries fell away and I realised I am so much more than what I thought.

Discover who you really are, what the world is really all about and what part you have to play

With NEXUS Explore what are the benefits?  

  • Stress management
  • Real Self Discovery
  • Understanding how the mind works
  • Managing your thoughts and changing them into Creative thoughts
  • You will learn that Meditation is not that difficult and it really can boost your productivity and creativity while reducing your stress levels 
  • Learn about how the limitation of the senses has been holding you back
  • Identify what is YOUR best reality and how to create that with visualisation techniques
  • Realising by being your True Self how you’re contributing to something bigger than yourself 
  • How to activate your peak flow state
Discover Who You Really Are

Understand How the world Really Works

Realise the Part You Are Meant to Play

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A Life Without STRESS

We all accept that stress is a part of our lives but do we ever really address, alleviate and treat it? Until I trained and implemented new mindfulness practices, mind mastery and meditative techniques I was heading towards a major crash. But that’s not all that’s needed. I still had a mental crash. My meditation practice prolonged the crash because I didn't explore the fundamental issues causing the turmoil. 

I pushed my boundaries of my psyche thinking that I needed to do more, filling any free time with yet another project until my mind imploded with the pressure and inevitably crashed.